Age of Eggs
Shift in the NFT-World
The AoE III and IV collections are CryptoTab's most advanced tokens based on next-generation smart contracts. Just like their predecessors, the new Eggs will allow owners to continually hatch new tokens from the CryptoTab collections. But the old benefits have been joined by incredible new ones: the owner of the egg can name it, receive a lifetime commission on all egg resales, and even participate in a monthly Airdrop for special golden tokens!
Learn MoreBecome Lord of the Eggs
AoE III and IV tokens will hatch for 21 days and upon hatching will bring you token from the official CryptoTab collections! Then you will be able to level up the egg to restart the whole process, continue hatching and receive a new token. But that is just a mere part of all the features that Age of Eggs III and IV can provide with their innovative smart-contract system!
True name of the egg
The owner of the egg can give it a true name that will be visible to all marketplace users!
Commission on every sale
The first egg owner will receive a 50% commission on all subsequent resales!
Crack and hatch
Every egg cracks and hatches right on the marketplace, bringing joy to its owner and other users!
Marketplace of your choice
Tokens from both collections are available on many popular marketplaces with multimillion audience!
Monthly Golden Airdrop
Every token owner can participate in the Monthly Super Golden Airdrop
21st day
of each month at
21h : 21m : 21s
Token Preview
Age of Eggs III, IV are two collections of unique tokens (10,000 and 1,000) that hatch right on the marketplace, bringing stunning possibilities to their owners. Each egg hide tokens from the official CryptoTab collections. The first Age of Eggs collection is based on Polygon, the second is based on Ethereum and consists of the most powerful tokens!

It is necessary to provide everyone with an equal opportunity to try out the collections.
From Common to Divine
There are many artefacts of immense power scattered around CryptoTab multiverse. They held a various degrees of power and now it can be viewed by everyone! From Common to Rare, from Mythic to Divine: hunt down the rarest of them and be sure that everyone will know that you’re the true Lord of the Eggs!
3200 tokens for sale
2500 tokens for sale
1900 tokens for sale
1500 tokens for sale
700 tokens for sale
200 tokens for sale

What's inside?
Each egg hides tokens from CryptoTab's official collections inside. All you need is to wait for them to hatch! Learn more about these unique NFTs and remember: with each hatching you will get a new token!

Level Up Your Tokens
Have you already received a token and has the egg successfully hatched? This does not mean that it has lost its power! After all, you can level up the egg all the way to 99! And with each level increase, the hatching process will start again and you will get a new NFT! Moreover, you would get more and more special golden tokens in case of participating in Monthly Golden Airdrop!

Choose Marketplace
Choose Marketplace
Choose Collection
How to Participate?
Choose Marketplace
Choose Marketplace

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Every month among token holders from Age of Eggs III and IV collections there is a drawing of unique Golden Essences! Want to become the owner of an incredibly rare and valuable token? Register your tokens to participate in the next Airdrop!
Get Golden Essences in Golden Airdrop!Every month among token holders from Age of Eggs III and IV collections there is a drawing of unique Golden Essences! Want to become the owner of an incredibly rare and valuable token? Register your tokens to participate in the next Airdrop!